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Belgian Charities
- Vriendenkring BUSO Baken
- Kanunnik Lemairefonds VZW
- Peluche
- Save Children of Hope VZW
- Community Help Service (CHS)
- Pelicano Foundation
- NoNameChild (NONA)
International Charities
- (HUN) Örzök Public Foundation for Children with Tumor and Leukemia at Tüzoltó Street
- (LTU) „Mamų unija” (Mothers union)
- (SVK) Autizmus ako dar (Autism as a gift)
- (HUN) The Children’s Heart Foundation
- (LTU) Vilnius Children and Youth Diabetes Club “Diabite Plius” (Vilnius Vaiku lr Jaunino Diabeto Klubas “Diabite Plius”)
- (EST) The Crisis Program for Children and Youth
- (DNK) DINNødhjælp
- (UKR) Children of mankind
- (ITA) O VIVEIRO ONLUS – Sogna con gli AngeliGREECE, Society for the Care of Minors
- (BiH) Udruga roditelja djece i osoba s posebnim potrebama Orasje
- (ROU) St Nicholas Proctector of the Poor
- (SVN) Foudation Jakec and the Magic Torch, Institution for aiding children with Cerebral Palsy
- (LVA) Camp “HOPE”
- (SVK) Maják n.o.
- (ROU) “Don Orione” Beneficence
- (PRT) Associaçao de Ajuda ao Recém – Nascido – Banco do Bebé
- (CZE) The Czechoslovak Hussite Church in Trutnov
- (CZE) Navšechnočas z.s
- (PRT) Abrigo Seguro – Assocjaçao de Solidarieddade Social
- (HRV) “SCRE” – association of children with development disabilities disabled people and their families
- (ESP) Association of disabled Barrena la Montera
- (ITA) Laboratorio teatrale San Paolo
- (GRC) Society of Protection and Relief for Children With Brain Damage and Special Needs
- (BiH) Assiciation for Help Children and Youth with Special Needs « Sunce », Pale
- (POL) Association of Developing Children’s Activity “CHANCE”
- (GBR) 1st Corsham (Lord Methuen’s Own) Scout Group