As 2020 draws to a close, we look back on a year that has been challenging to say the least, be it personally, professionally or even charitably. The 2020 edition of the NATO Charity Bazaar had to be held virtually because of the ongoing pandemic. Sales of national goods, masks and Tombola tickets were done online as well as the actual Tombola drawing.
So despite all of the challenges, we are thrilled and proud to announce that the NATO Charity Bazaar is able to donate € 133.137 to deserving charity projects, thanks to the purchases and donations of the NATO Community! This amount will allow us to finance the 10 Belgian projects and 19 of the International projects, which is a great achievement.As always, the NATO and Partner Nations’ direct fundraising activities make up the majority (namely € 100.800) of the total amount of donations.
Special thanks to the 37 NATO and Partner Nations who joined forces to make the online Bazaar a success. This is the same number of countries participating in a “normal” year; we are especially grateful for their dedication.
Many thanks to all of the NATO stakeholders, for their guidance and support, in this year’s virtual edition.
And finally, thank YOU, all of you who embraced this virtual Bazaar and the online sales, for your patience and your generosity. We could not have done it without you.
Let us conclude by wishing you and your families a happy and healthy holiday season.